Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What should I do first if I believe that my property has been damaged as a result of City activity?

A. Write down the details of what was damaged, as well as when and how the damage occurred. Include the date, time and location. Take photos of the damage and hazard (if applicable), and keep a record of all related events. If possible, identify the equipment or City activity that you believe caused the damage.

Q. Should I call my insurance company?

A. Yes. Your insurance policy may provide coverage for this type of loss. Your insurance company or broker can provide you with information, and may act on your behalf.

Q. What should I do with my damaged property?

A. Take any reasonable action possible to prevent further damage. Document your damages with photos, and keep your invoices. Keep any damaged property available for inspection which may be required at a later date.

Q. Should I notify the City about my damages?

A. If you wish to make a claim to the City for property damage, follow the procedures outlined above. Each claim will be examined individually and a decision made based on its own merits.

NOTE: The information contained in the pdf and on this page is provided as an informal guide only to assist users with the claims process. It shall not be used as legal advice. The City of Brandon accepts no liability arising from the interpretation of the information provided in this brochure.