Climate Change Action Plan Update

February 22, 2023

Brandon, MB – One of City Council’s priorities includes addressing the long-term impact and sustainability of the environment. As stewards of our community, it is important for us to do our part to minimize the impact on our environment and to assist where we can, to create a green community. 

The City of Brandon has hired consulting company Urban Systems in 2022 to help develop a Climate Change Action Plan for Brandon aimed at both reducing our impact on the environment and adapting to a changing climate. A series of public engagement events took place including a community survey and a public open house. 

Based on the public’s feedback in the first round of engagement, we have developed a framework of “Big Moves” and key actions to ensure rapid progress towards addressing climate change in Brandon. Each Big Move will include a series of supporting strategies and actions. The following seven items are the Big Moves that have been developed for Brandon: 

  1. Become a Carbon Free Corporation 
  2. Transition to Renewable Energy 
  3. Rethink Transportation 
  4. Build Resilient Infrastructure 
  5. Conserve and Protect Nature 
  6. Prepare for Emergencies  
  7. Consume and Produce Sustainably 

The City welcomes your feedback on this recommended framework to ensure our Climate Change Action Plan best represents the community’s priorities and interests. To ensure that our action plan aligns with the priorities and interests of the community, we are seeking your feedback on the recommended framework through a survey, which is open between February 22 and March 14, 2023.  

Please complete the survey online at 

For an alternative method of filling out the survey, contact the City of Brandon’s Environmental Initiatives Coordinator, Lindsay Hargreaves at 204-729-2171. 

We appreciate your participation in this important initiative and look forward to working together to create a sustainable future for Brandon. More information on Brandon’s Climate Action Plan be found here.