City of Brandon Purchases Portable Emergency Water Trailer

March 9, 2016


Brandon, MB – The City of Brandon’s Public Works Department now has the ability to provide on-site potable water in situations where areas or neighbourhoods have no access to municipal drinking water for sustained periods of time, thanks to the recent purchase of a portable emergency water trailer.

Within a few hours notice, the tandem-axle trailer can be sanitized, mobilized, and filled with treated drinking water, then set up on-site to serve populations in situations where normal access to drinking water has been interrupted. With the capacity for approximately 3,300 litres of potable water, the trailer can be stationed in locations that are, for example, experiencing major watermain breaks or underground utility repairs, or even in the event where there are a number of frozen water service issues occurring in the same area.

“The City of Brandon’s new portable emergency water trailer really does give us the ability to minimize the complications that not having ready access to City drinking water might create in a community,” says City of Brandon Director of Public Works Ian Broome. “For example, we could make it available to a school if City work on a watermain was interrupting its drinking water supply, or we could also use it if a certain building or facility’s internal drinking water distribution infrastructure has been affected. We can also set it up in a neighbourhood if there are larger watermain issues that are being dealt with.”

Broome notes that the trailer is thermostat-controlled, which allows for all-season use, and is designed with a spout that allows users to easily fill up their own water jugs with a supply of potable water for drinking or food preparation. However, given the trailer’s maximum capacity, it is not meant to replace a commercial water supply or accommodate larger-volume household uses like laundry, dishes, or bathing.

“From an emergency response standpoint, the City of Brandon now has another tool in our toolbox to be able to respond to potential issues with the municipal water supply,” adds City of Brandon Director of Risk & Emergency Management Brian Kayes. “Even though we hope not to make use of it, this equipment makes us better able to respond to these types of situations if they occur.”

The trailer was purchased with 2015 Council-approved funds and will be stored at the City of Brandon’s Civic Services Complex on Richmond Avenue East when not in use.